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Combined 150+ Years Of Trusted Care

Restoring Hearing Clarity

Stop Struggling to Understand What You Hear With Help From NeuroTechnologyHearing Aids

Increasing the volume at which you hear is only one component of hearing restoration. If older hearing aids have made it hard for you to distinguish between sounds or fully comprehend what you hear, then we think you’ll be delighted with the leaps and bounds that modern technology has made. Our hearing aids in Queens, NY, and the Manhattan, NY, area, include state-of-the-art NeuroTechnology for true hearing clarity.

What Are NeuroTechnology Hearing Aids in NYC?

NeuroTechnology hearing aids are designed to treat hearing loss by using complex stimulation patterns to help replace diminished auditory input to the brain. Traditional hearing aids just make things louder, but with today’s new NeuroTechnology treatment options, you can hear more clearly and more naturally, in all listening environments… even in noisy restaurants!

Today’s NeuroTechnology hearing aids include the following features:

  • Enhanced Clarity – to help fill in the missing speech details
  • Noise-Cancellation Features – to help filter speech in noisy environments
  • Soft-Speech Booster – to help you hear the soft-speakers in your life (e.g., children and grandchildren, your spouse, etc.)
  • Surround Sound Features
  • Bluetooth Connectivity to Your Smart Devices

How Do NeuroTechnology Hearing Aids Work?

There are different types of NeuroTechnology hearing aids, each custom designed and programmed to meet your hearing loss and your hearing needs, but they all ultimately perform the same function - to help you hear more clearly and naturally.

We hear with our BRAINS, not with our ears. Today’s NeuroTechnology are the only proven hearing loss treatment options that focus on enhancing brain function by providing enhanced clarity surround sound with background noise-canceling features.

NeuroTechnology can be used to address the full spectrum of hearing difficulties, from people with audiometric (normal) hearing to individuals with severe to profound hearing loss.

What Are the Different Types of NeuroTechnology Hearing Aids?

NeuroTechnology comes in several shapes and sizes, including some invisible options for maximum discretion. Our audiologist will review your treatment options based on your specific hearing loss and hearing needs. Regardless of which treatment option is right for you, whether you’re out to dinner with friends, hitting the beach, meeting with clients, or hiking, you’ll be able to hear what matters most with today’s hearing loss technology.

Watch Neuroscientist Dr. Darrow’s Video Below About the Benefits of NeuroTechnology

Available Features

Invisible Hearing Aid Treatment Options

Once placed in your ear, it’s so hassle-free that you may even forget you’re wearing the device! And that is the point. Hearing loss shouldn’t hold you back, and neither should your hearing solution. Features in today’s invisible technology options include:

  • An invisible and custom fit
  • Hearing aids fit deep inside your ear canal and are personally customized to you for all-day comfort
  • Easily adapt to new sounds with automatic volume control and adaptation to listening environment
  • Wireless streaming to your smartphone and/or to keep you connected to your TV, music and other media
  • Sound comfort technology designed to provide distortion-free listening comfort for loud sounds while ensuring ultimate

Mini ‘Receiver in the Ear’ Options

Groundbreaking NeuroTechnology is fast and precise enough to analyze and follow the dynamics of the entire auditory environment, and differentiate between speech and background noise. Advances in miniaturization technology have led to the breakthrough of new NeuroTechnology proven to support brain function, including working memory, selective attention, and processing speed (The Hearing Review: Dr. Desjardin, University of Texas, El Paso). These new devices have three features designed specifically to maintain the brain’s innate ability to hear in all different listening situations:

  • Clear Hearing In Background Noise - By separating important speech from background noise by as much as 10dB, this innovative technology provides 30% better speech understanding and clarity in noise
  • Enhanced Clarity = Enhanced Memory Recall - Individuals with hearing loss are known to have reduced memory recall because the brain is deprived of a clear signal. With 20% more capacity to remember, this technology is the only available option proven to increase memory recall
  • Reduced Effort - Many patients explain that hearing requires effort as they age, and that it can make them tired after a day at work or with the grandchildren. Current available technology is proven to provide a 20% reduction in listening effort in noisy environments

Bluetooth & Internet-Compatibility

In addition, some options include Bluetooth and Internet compatible options that enable:

  • Hands-free wireless (surround sound) hearing on the phone
  • Low-Battery reminders – Your devices can remind you by ear, phone, text or email that your batteries (or your spouse’s batteries) are low
  • Wireless compatibility with any TV to enhance the clarity of the signal
  • Control of your Internet-connected devices at home, including the thermostat, lights, and even certain cooking appliances (Yes, your hearing devices can automatically turn on your coffee maker each morning!)

*Source: Johns Hopkins Study, 2011, Dr. Frank Lin, M.D., Ph.D

Learn More About Our Hearing Aids in Queens, NY & the Manhattan, NY, Area

What Patients Say About Us
I have been a patient of Dr. Sapodin for over 30 years and have always been impressed by her professionalism. - Michelle E.
The reviews listed are from actual patients of Advanced Hearing Center. Individual results may vary. Reviews are not claimed to represent results for everyone.
What to Expect on Your First Visit
  • Explanation of Our Process
  • Determine Your Needs
  • Review Your Results
  • Cognitive Screening
  • Free Copy of, Stop Hiding in Isolation
Ready to Change Your Life?
Multiple Locations for Your Convenience
Chelsea 209 West 19th Street New York, NY 10011 (212) 734-8900 Get Directions
Upper East Side - 68th 329 E 68th Street New York, NY 10065 (212) 734-8900 Get Directions
Upper East Side - 78th 162 East 78th Street New York, NY 10075 (212) 734-8900 Get Directions
Upper West Side 10 W 74th St., #1H New York, NY 10023 (212) 734-8900 Get Directions
Queens/North Shore Towers 26910 Grand Central Parkway Queens, NY 11005 (718) 352-0548 Get Directions